Smoking in MOLO 2023

Hi everyone!

Zobaczcie, jak się sprawdza pasja do wędzenia naszych fantastycznych kucharzy. W naszym Hotelu cenimy jakość, dlatego sami wędzimy.

Ach, ten dymny smak. Lubimy kontrolować każdy etap procesu i uzyskiwać wyjątkowy, charakterystyczny smak i aromat. Jeśli jeszcze nie mieliście okazji być u nas w Hotelu, serdecznie zapraszamy!
Dziękujemy wszystkim uczestnikom za niezapomniany wieczorek z wędzeniem w naszym hotelu, na tarasie z widokiem na Zalew Sulejowskim i otoczonym pięknym lasem.
It was a real culinary experience that transported us into a world of unique flavors, aromas and pleasures. The smoking evening was full of amazing experiences that will certainly remain in our memories for a long time.

Our talented chefs stworzyli prawdziwe arcydzieła kulinarnego wędzenia. Soczyste kawałki mięsa, delikatne filety ryb i warzywa zyskały niepowtarzalny smak i aromat dzięki dymowi i ogniu wędzarni. To było prawdziwe święto dla podniebienia!

But it's not just a matter of excellent food. The atmosphere of the evening was magical. The terrace of the hotel, surrounded by a beautiful forest and overlooking the lagoon, created a unique backdrop for the event. Nature and its tranquility harmonized perfectly with the smoke of the smokehouse, creating a unique atmosphere for the evening meeting.

We would like to thank our guests for their presence and enthusiasm, which helped to create unforgettable memories. Your presence made the evening even more special and full of joy.

An evening of smoking is not only a culinary experience, it is also a chance to make new friends, share passion and inspiration. Meetings like this allow us to strengthen our community and grow together, sharing ideas and knowledge.

We would also like to thank our team for their hard work and dedication in organizing this event. Their professionalism, passion and culinary skills made the smoking night a spectacular success.

If you haven't yet had the opportunity to take part in an evening of smoking, don't worry! We will continue our culinary explorations and hold more events so you can experience a true paradise of flavors.
𝗪𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗰𝘇𝘆 𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗸𝗼 𝘀́𝗹𝗲𝗱𝘇𝗶𝗰́ 𝗻𝗮𝘀 𝗻𝗮 𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘇̇𝗮̨𝗰𝗼.

And this is what the preparations looked like.

1TP5News 1TP5Gallery #entrummolo #hotelcentrummolo #hotelcentrummolo #hotelnnadzalewem #wêting #hotelztarasem #restauracjanatarasie Zalew Sulejowski - activity, recreation, leisure Piotrków County - County Office Modern Lodz Regional Tourist Organization of Lodz Province

1TP5Smoking 1TP5Smokingwhotel #centrummolo #Sulejovskiy Zalew #restaurant #nadzalewem #piotrkowski County